--- title: "My 'Meshes.jl' gallery" author: "Stéphane Laurent" date: "2023-10-12" tags: julia, graphics, geometry output: md_document: variant: markdown preserve_yaml: true html_document: highlight: kate keep_md: no highlighter: pandoc-solarized --- I really like the Julia package **Meshes.jl**. In this post, I show some pictures and animations I did with this package. ### Hopf torus If you know my blog, then you know my fascination for Hopf tori. Here is one. ![](./figures/jl_HopfTorus.gif) [Code](https://gist.github.com/stla/2e00dbb08079bc41b7eb26544c2608f6) ### Hopf torus circle by circle The same one, but plotted circle by circle. ![](./figures/jl_HopfTorus_CbyC.png) [Code](https://gist.github.com/stla/50e904e3a974a801659d495efa565adf) ### Nested Steiner chain I already showed on this blog how to draw a nested Steiner chain with different programming languages. Here is the Julia way. ![](./figures/jl_SteinerChain_4-3.gif) [Code](https://gist.github.com/stla/6d97e31721cec447b3c401bcc2529660) ### Barth sextic One of my favorite isosurfaces. It is done with the help of the **MarchingCubes.jl** package. ![](./figures/jl_BarthSextic.gif) [Code](https://gist.github.com/stla/706af2eaae5419f66765343e3fde06e8) ### Hyperbolic icosahedron It is constructed with the help of the [gyrovector space theory](https://laustep.github.io/stlahblog/posts/hyperbolicPolyhedra.html). ![](./figures/jl_gyroIcosahedron.png) One can change the hyperbolic curvature: ![](./figures/jl_gyroIcosahedron.gif) [Code](https://gist.github.com/stla/5a854243fa64290ec8dc0780db29ef34) ### Linked cyclides Now we switch to the 4D world. Here are three linked cyclides. ![](./figures/jl_LinkedCyclides.png) [Code](https://gist.github.com/stla/a8f307695118cd9fbea08a8cca7ba49a) ### Tesseract Also known as the hypercube. ![](./figures/jl_tesseract.gif) [Code](https://gist.github.com/stla/32426518a9e0b089ec51f4d81b3f2738) ### Duoprism 3,30 I already showed on this blog how to draw a duoprism with different programming languages. Here is the Julia way. ![](./figures/jl_Duoprism_3-30.gif) [Code](https://gist.github.com/stla/fa76ff2022b780db881c12f73e40a354#file-duoprism3-jl) ### Duoprism 30,30 And here is the (30,30)-duoprism. ![](./figures/jl_Duoprism_30-30.gif) [Code](https://gist.github.com/stla/fa76ff2022b780db881c12f73e40a354#file-duoprism3-jl)